The Student Success Center strives to promote academic success of all Geneva College students. Our office supports Geneva′s mission to “provide a comprehensive education to equip students for faithful and fruitful service to God and neighbor.”
We do this by providing open access to academic counseling and coaching, extensive peer-tutoring opportunities, and appropriate support for students with disabilities. These services help students fulfill the calling God has placed on their lives.
We are located on the second floor of the Student Center, near Skye Lounge.
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
To schedule an appointment outside these hours, please email, call 724.847.5005, or stop by our office in the Student Center.
Coaching Drop-In Hours (No appointment needed):
Monday - Thursday: 3 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Summer hours are modified. Please call for an appointment.